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Akha Human Rights - Akha University
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Please remember to do a site search for other related documents which may not be shown here. Vaccination Index This section contains links and information about the dangers of vaccinations and vaccine related damage that the Akha have suffered. Of most concern in Thailand is the use of the Tetanus Toxoid vaccine which is used on pregnant Akha women and which we have documented to have caused immediate spontaneous abortion within 24 hours of injection. A number of other concerns came up with this vaccine. First the Akha are not supposed to be charged for it, but in many cases are. Second, Tetanus Toxoid vaccine should NOT be done during pregnancy. Yet the Thais use it in this fashion. Women complain of fevers, and a sense of shock. Third, from what we identified, Thai medical clinics were requiring that the women have the vaccine sequence for EACH pregnancy. Fourth, the Thai medical staff repeatedly have told the Akha women that if they do not accept the vaccine during pregnancy they will not be given an ID card for the baby. This is enough to scare many women into taking the vaccine, despite the fact that they all know the many stories of women immediately loosing their babies. We have contacted the WHO in Bangkok about this situation and the Akha being told they had to take the vaccine, and we were told that medical practicalities being considered by the local health officials may override "human rights issues". Quite shocking. Please look at the video in Akha Daily Videos on vaccine testimony.
Our documentation on the Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine being forced on the Akha has been connected to a broader discussion on eugenics in this video about Gates and world vaccine programs pushed from the west on third world countries.
Vaccination Interview Part 1 31mg .mov
Vaccination Interview Part 2 2mg .mov
Vaccination Interview Part 3 21mg .mov
An Interview with an Akha Woman who lost two pregnancies 64mg .mov
Vaccine Links A very serious discussion on vaccines and what went wrong. A word of caution to help us understand how dangerous vaccines have already been and why.
Two Books on vaccination by Peter and Hilary Butler:
From the Authors: The Robert Reisinger Memorial Trust would like to make this book readily available to anyone who would like to own a copy. The book will be sent to you airmail which will take between 7 - 10 working days. This book is offered as a community service, not as merchandise for sale. Because the Trust has further projects to undertake in the future the viability of which depends on support by people who receive this book. The Trust wishes to make it available to all who would like it, no matter their resources, so, if … you would like to make a donation to enable the work of the Trust to continue to be ongoing, a donation would be greatly appreciated." Requests for copies can be made by e-mail to: butler at or all mail and donations, made out to:
The Robert Reisinger Memorial Trust (or RRMT), For people living outside New Zealand, where different currencies are involved, personal cheques are accepted by the bank, but as of 13 March 2008, we are being charged a $5.00 fee per transaction. We have not done PAYPAL, because it would have cost and arm and a leg but we will have to consider other options. I will update this letter as the situation develops. If you would like a receipt for any donation you chose to send, please indicate, and one will be sent, either e-mail, or mail, or with the book. Normal accounting procedures will be strictly followed, and all acknowledgements and receipt notifications filed. (Please Contact the Author if you have any questions)
Impfschaden European Vaccine Damage Report Form:
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